Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Hi everyone :)

I'm back after a short 3 month hiatus. And a lot has changed in my life! So so much. Good things, challenging things, things that I would probably scratch my head at if I were another person viewing my life. To put it mildly, I missed writing. So I'm back! A wise friend keeps reminding me of the beauty that is, simply, writing. Writing for yourself and no one else. Writing because it makes you smile. Because at the end of the day, if you haven't picked up a pen (or a laptop) to scratch out some of the emotions/ideas/struggles/thoughts stuck in your head, you don't feel quite complete. 

Since I left you, so much has happened in my life. My husband returned from an 11 month deployment. I got another tattoo. My bestie convinced me to partake in a nose piercing adventure. I got a new job that I actually enjoy. I developed a strange addiction to both coffee and tea. 

So, this blog is going to be more for me from now on- to hash out ideas, to write about my days, to confide in when I don't think a single person in the world could understand what I'm feeling. Words are pretty nonjudgmental like that. Whether I have 5 readers or 50, I am content that I have an outlet for this strange thing that is my life. Somehow I forgot that along the way, and I must not do that again.

Me: A-la new nose feature

Some things I am thinking about tonight while I listen to my favorite song:


New opportunities

Music. It's amazing. I would not be the person I am today without its influence.

Coffee. (canwealljustagreeitisthebestthingever)

Good hair days

End of semester jitters

Truly living life

Fresh air

Summer (coming to a location near you)

And finally- sleep. Goodnight :)